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aHealthierLifestyle - Stay ACTIVE & STRONG
Due to lack of time, excuses, eating on the run, you pay no attention to eating the right food, tend to go for fast food and industrial processed food.
Nowadays it is increasingly difficult to distinguish between a healthy and unhealthy nutrition. Marketing for "healthy" foods and trends/diets has increased tremendously, plus we are inundated with nutrition information, nutrition apps, recipe blogs, studies and expert knowledge. If you have not intensively studied the topic of nutrition, it is unfortunately almost impossible to keep track and decide what is right and wrong. There is often a lack of awareness as to whether one's own eating habits have a positive or negative influence on health. In addition, it is suggested that if you are slim, your diet is right and you are eating healthy. But that is not necessarily the case. In recent years in nutrition counseling, I have repeatedly found that there is a lot of insecurity and lack of awareness about a healthy diet.
But the food we eat and the beverage we drink have a very huge impact on wether we feel mentally well, healthy, energetic and resilient or not. The wrong food can be carcinogenic and harmful for our body. It can cause allergies, digestive problems and other health problems. That’s why it is so important that you get aware of what you really buy, cook, eat and drink.
A healthy gut plays a very important role in your holistic health. That's why it's so important that you eat the right foods that promote and positively affect the health of your gut.
You learn for example:
1. What you need to be aware of when shopping, cooking, eating and drinking
2. What alternatives you can choose from
3. Why it is so important to read the ingredient lists of industrial processed food
4. We also check your kitchen, pantry, refrigerator, grocery shopping, restaurant visits or takeaways.
Your benefits:
1. You loose weight in the short term & manage your weight in the long term
2. In combination with holistic and functional training you have more energy for everyday life & activities
3. You will be more awake
4. Your immune system becomes more resilient
5. Your skin appearance improves
6. Your health of your brain, heart, gut, bones, joints... improves in general
Depending on how quickly you want or need to achieve results and change your eating habits, it makes sense to book a nutrition coaching at least 1-2 times a month.
Let's improve your nutrition together step-by-step. You are not alone. It is possible and achievable if you really want it.
You can also combine Nutrition Coaching and Personal Training in an appointment.
Looking forward to support you.

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